
The 3rd Workshop on SErverless Systems, Applications and MEthodologies (SESAME'25) 
Serverless and ServerlessLLM Systems Tutorial

This year's addition: Serverless and efficient GenAI inference serving

The workshop is co-located with ASPLOS'25 and EuroSys'25 and will be conducted in person (no remote participants) on March 31st, bringing the experts from academia and industry to facilitate research in serverless systems in Postillion Hotel & Convention Centre WTC Rotterdam (room to be announced).

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: Feb 7th, 2025 (AoE), extended
  • Author notification: February 21st, 2025
    (note: EuroSys travel grant deadline is Feb 24th)
  • Camera-ready: March 3rd, 2025
  • Workshop: March 31st, 2025


Dmitrii Ustiugov (NTU Singapore), Rodrigo Bruno (University of Lisbon), Pedro Fonseca (Purdue University), Boris GrotAntonio Barbalace, Luo Mai (University of Edinburgh)

Program Committee Members

  • Marco Cali (AWS, Ireland)
  • Marcin Copik (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
  • Dong Du (SJTU, Mainland China)
  • Rodrigo Fonseca (Microsoft Azure Systems, USA)
  • Haris Javaid (AMD, Singapore)
  • Kevin Nguetchouang (Grenoble INP, France)
  • Kostis Kaffes (Columbia University, USA)
  • Ana Klimovic (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
  • Marios Kogias (Imperial College London, UK)
  • Pavan Miriyala (AMD, Singapore)
  • Javier Picorel (Huawei, Germany)
  • Rodrigo Rodrigues (IST Lisboa, Portugal)
  • Mohammad Shahrad (UBC, Canada)
  • Wei Wang (HKUST, Hong Kong)
  • Xingda Wei (SJTU, Mainland China)
  • Yazhuo Zhang (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

Call for Papers

Serverless has emerged as the next dominant cloud architecture and paradigm due to its elastic scalability and flexible billing model. In serverless, developers focus on writing their application’s business logic, e.g., as a set of functions and GenAI models connected in a workflow, whereas providers take responsibility for dynamically managing cloud resources, e.g., by scaling the number of instances for each deployed function. This division of responsibilities opens new opportunities for systems researchers to innovate in serverless computing. As a new paradigm, serverless computing calls for innovation across the whole deep distributed stack of modern datacenters, including software and hardware infrastructure to combine high performance, ease of programming, efficiency of datacenter resource usage, among others.

The 3rd Workshop on SErverless Systems, Applications and MEthodologies (SESAME) aims to bring together industry and academia to discuss serverless computing and emerging cloud computing models. The goal of the workshop is to foster the discussion on the design and implementation of serverless platforms (i.e., how to deploy, optimize, and manage serverless infrastructure), and leverage their full potential (i.e., what types of applications and eco-systems of services need to exist to support serverless computing). The workshop is designed to ensure that industry and academia come together to discuss early ideas and promote cutting-edge research. We also add serverless GenAI and LLM inference serving systems into the scope of the workshop given the importance of these workloads..

This year, we will also conduct a tutorial about Serverless (vHive) and GenAI (ServerlessLLM) open-source research ecosystems to facilitate the community's research efforts in these emerging areas.

Please note that the workshop will take place in person, hence at least one author of each accepted submission must be present in person. 

Non-traditional topics, cross-cutting research, and controversial ideas are especially encouraged.

Topics of interest include but not limited to:

  • Serverless applications, benchmarks and evaluation methodologies
  • Serverless GenAI inference serving systems
  • Serverless programming interfaces, models, language runtimes, and deployment
  • Heterogeneous architectures and accelerators for serverless clouds
  • Networking and storage systems for serverless clouds
  • Reliable, fault-tolerant, and available serverless systems 
  • Scheduling, scalability and elasticity in serverless clouds
  • Verification and testing for serverless clouds 
  • Performance and security isolation in serverless systems, virtualization
Submission Formats

The workshop will accept short papers and work-in-progress (WIP) talks:
- Short papers allow authors to present contributions in a short format of up to 6 pages. If accepted, short papers will have published proceedings via the ACM Digital Library upon the agreement of their authors (opting out is possible upon request);
- Work-In-Progress (WIP) papers are submitted as a 2-page extended abstract without published proceedings.
References do not count towards the page limit. The above limits are strict for both submission types.

The dual submission format is designed to maximize participation and engagement. In particular, the dual format accommodates industry participants who may have limited resources to spend on writing the draft and the authors that may aim to publish a full conference paper later while simultaneously ensuring the maximizing benefit to the audience. The workshop will use a double-blind submission policy.

Optional appendix
Authors may optionally include an appendix (up to 3 pages for short papers and 1 page for WIP papers) as the last section of the manuscript; however, reviewers are not obliged to read the appendix. An appendix may include proofs of theorems, more details on methodology, more results, and anything else that can potentially answer reviewer questions. The rest of the manuscript may cite the appendix, but the paper should stand on its own without the appendix. Authors need not feel compelled to include an appendix – we understand the author's time is best spent on the main manuscript.

Declaring Conflicts of Interest
Authors must register all their conflicts on the paper submission site. Conflicts are needed to ensure appropriate assignment of reviewers. If a paper is found to have an undeclared conflict that causes a problem OR if a paper is found to declare false conflicts in order to abuse or “game” the review system, the paper may be summarily rejected.
Please declare a conflict of interest (COI) with the following for any author of your paper:
- Your Ph.D. advisor(s), post-doctoral advisor(s), Ph.D. students, and post-doctoral advisees, forever.
- Family relations by blood or marriage and close personal friends, forever (if they might be potential reviewers).
- People with whom you have collaborated in the last four years, including co-authors of accepted/rejected/pending papers, co-PIs of accepted/rejected/pending grant proposals.
- People who’s primary institution(s) were the same as your primary institution(s) in the last four years.

Author Instructions

Submissions should use the ACM acmart format and be submitted as PDF:
The format of your paper must strictly adhere to the ACM Format.

LaTeX: Use version acmart v1.77 or newer. You can directly download the LaTeX class file acmart and the BibTeX ACM Reference Format, which are also available from CTAN. Please use the sigconf style by using the following LaTeX class configuration:
Word: Download template from ACM format site. Please use the sigconf style by selecting the right template.

Please also ensure that your submission is legible when printed on a black-and-white printer. In particular, please check that colors remain distinct and font sizes are legible. In particular, please check that colors remain distinct and font sizes are legible. Citations do not count towards the page limit.

Submission website

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